These cards can be an incredibly useful tool to help your time spent social distancing at home, regardless of whether you’re single or living with a partner. These cards include everything from cooking ideas, entertainment, self-care tips, and many more ways to make the most out of this, well, strange time in our lives. To get your cards, please finish the short survey below:
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. That’s pretty much true across the board. As we continue to be physically distant by staying at home to help limit the spread of COVID-19, there are some benefits and new opportunities that can come from this. With more people working and socializing from their couches, bedrooms, and backyards, there’s been more time for self-reflection and improvement in areas like mental and physical wellness, communication, intimacy, lifestyle changes, and a new appreciation for raising sourdough starter from scratch. If you want to hop on the self-improvement train, these Quarantine Date Night Cards are a great start! These will help you think outside the box and even try something you wouldn’t have done earlier. Use these cards to help set aside a weekly date night, solo time for just you, or even structure in some creative freedom! Or use them for the self-care of your relationship, dating life, and (most importantly) yourself. Previous Next
Quarantine Challenges for Couples
Spending so much time at home with your partner can be, well, a little stressful for couples. Anxiety levels are already on the rise as we adjust to this “new normal” and the challenges related to physical distancing. Most don’t have the outlets of their regular hobbies, structured schedules, comforting routines, and the typical outlets for their mental and emotional health. Couples spending more time together than ever before have to now deal with the increased pressure of “making it work,” which can throw any one person for a loop. The ways we cope and grieve the loss of our old life vary from person to person, but creativity and patience have shown to be two of the most important aspects of healthy and happy quarantining, so make some time to allow those in your schedules. It’s also important to “check in” with your partner daily – to be their best friend, ask, share, and be there for each other. One day they might feel good, one day they might feel miserable. If these feelings are discussed, they’re more easily navigated. No one wants to run into an iceberg in these uncharted waters!
Quarantine Challenges for Singles
You could argue that singles have an even tougher time during quarantine, without a partner or spouse around to help keep them from talking to their houseplants, baking too much sourdough bread, or generally feeling loved (or unloved). In the face of the pandemic, dating has taken on a new identity as well – it’s happening more online, and is more often centered around open communication, sharing, and more emotional (than physical) connections. Sexy meet-ups arranged on dating apps are simply not happening as often and some are considering this a modern return to courtship and chivalry. Into someone during quarantine? Try scheduling a dinner date over a video call or share passages from your favorite books. Watch a show or movie at the same time and talk about how great (or bad!) it is.
Who Is Giddy?
Giddy’s mission is to help men and their partners live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives, focusing on their sexual health and wellness, and starting with our flagship product for erectile dysfunction, called Eddie. Additionally, our educational content like these Date Night Cards, the articles in our blog, and our ED Guide video series, is designed to teach about intimacy, communication, dating, lifestyle changes, and so many others. Click here to get started with your own Eddie, ED Guide and more. Legal Disclaimer: We appreciate you taking part in the discussion about sexual health and wellness. Because we include information about medical conditions and treatments, please note the following: Information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only. Any information provided here is not for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of treatment regimen you should always seek the advice of your licensed healthcare professional. And remember, if you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. All information on this site is provided in good-faith, however, Giddy Holdings, Inc, and its agents and employees, make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this content. Under no circumstances shall we assume any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this site, or the reliance on any information provided herein. Any application of the material provided here is at the reader’s sole discretion and responsibility.