Understanding Diabetes and ED


Understanding Diabetes and ED

The rise of diabetes among men has increased exponentially over the years. In fact, it has become one of the most common types of chronic diseases. Diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, is a serious diagnosis requiring careful management of blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, diabetes can also lead to additional health complications like high blood pressure, heart disease and erectile dysfunction (ED). ED, in particular, has often been overlooked as a complication of diabetes. At Giddy, we focus on promoting the optimal health and wellness of men across the country. We strive to remove stigmas and encourage honest conversations about ED, especially with regards to other health concerns. Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, we want to discuss the links between diabetes and erectile dysfunction, and the actionable steps men can take to improve their health.

What’s the link between diabetes and ED?

Achieving firm erections is an involved process between healthy blood flow and nerves, hormones, muscle function, and libido. Blood sugar levels that are poorly controlled, which happens with diabetes, can damage blood vessels and nerves throughout the body. This damage makes gaining and maintaining erections difficult. Men with diabetes also report lowered testosterone levels which can be another contributor to ED. It’s estimated that anywhere from 35 to 75% of men with diabetes will deal with erectile dysfunction at some point. This percentage range is striking, especially when compared to men without diabetes; only 26% of whom will experience ED.

Why isn’t ED discussed as a side effect of diabetes?

Diabetes can be devastating to the body and mind. Managing a disease like Diabetes can be taxing and severe complications like blindness, depression, and severe nerve or kidney damage can develop as a result if left untreated. For many years, erectile dysfunction was considered a gradual and inevitable consequence of aging by physicians. If it was recognized in a patient, it often wasn’t a high priority. Additionally, diabetic men were often too embarrassed to report ED symptoms to their doctors at all. However, ED can also be quite challenging and frustrating in its own right. Embarrassment should never prevent a man from openly discussing health concerns with their primary physician. Today, doctors recognize the detrimental effects ED can have, and are more privy to address and treat ED.

What are non-prescription options for treating diabetic erectile dysfunction?

Medication is often prescribed to treat diabetes. Medication is also prescribed to address ED. However, prescription ED meds can often affect heart function and health. If a man has diabetes, maintaining heart health is vital, so ED pills are often out of the realm of possibility. Alternatively, a man might simply not want to take more pills on top of his current diabetes medicine. Luckily there are plenty of non-prescription alternatives. There are many actions that diabetic men suffering from ED can take that can have tremendous effects on their health. These actions include exercise, quitting smoking, sufficient weight and cholesterol management, reducing high-stress levels, and even sex therapy. Introducing Giddy’s medical device into the bedroom should also be an option to explore. This utility patented device can be used to treat ED naturally and without a prescription. Made from medical-grade materials, it’s soft to the touch and won’t interact with any current medications. Overcoming the physiological difficulties of diabetes isn’t easy. However, understanding the mechanics of its effects on other parts of the body can lead to more effective treatment solutions, especially in regards to erectile dysfunction. Legal Disclaimer: We appreciate you taking part in the discussion about sexual health and wellness. Because we include information about medical conditions and treatments, please note the following: Information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only. Any information provided here is not for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of treatment regimen you should always seek the advice of your licensed healthcare professional. And remember, if you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. All information on this site is provided in good-faith, however, Giddy Holdings, Inc, and its agents and employees, make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this content. Under no circumstances shall we assume any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this site, or the reliance on any information provided herein. Any application of the material provided here is at the reader’s sole discretion and responsibility.